Happy Easter! The kids woke to Easter basket's by their bed, and an Easter egg hunt downstairs. Jorja gave a talk in Primary. She did a great job. This is her talk:
Today is a special day. It is Easter. The Easter Bunny left me a basket of yummy things this morning, but that’s not why it is special. I went hunting for Easter eggs this morning, but that’s not why it is special. Easter is special because Jesus was resurrected. Because of Jesus I can be resurrected too. I love Easter and Jesus. I know Jesus loves me.
Beautiful Jorja
Preston stuffing his face with candy
Stockton had Family Home Evening tonight. He did a lesson on Nephi and Laman. He had different situations and asked one person to act like Nephi and then the next person to act like Laman. For example, you are asked to come to the table for dinner. Nephi says, "Yes, I will go to the table. I know you will not put anything on my plate except you should prepare a way that I can eat it." Laman says, "Dinner is gross! I hate dinner! I will not eat it! You can't make me!" You get the idea. During the week we will point out behavior that is like Nephi vs. behavior that is like Laman. The kids loved the lesson . . . although they all loved being Laman the best.
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