Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

My girls are completely different. My boys are pretty similar, but my girls - not at all. Jorja loves dressing up. She loves bows in her hair, rings on her fingers, and loves picking out and matching her clothes.

Maysen judges how good a week it is by how many days in a row she can stay in the same jammies. Her favorite thing to say is, "It doesn't matter what it looks like, it only matters if it's comfortable." Here is a classic Maysen moment. Mike was taking the girls to the reptile show. He had just taken a shower and drove in the jeep, so his hair was quite a mess when he got there. Mike said to Maysen, "I hope I don't embarrass you with my hair looking this way." Maysen scoffed and said, "Hair just covers your head, it doesn't matter what it looks like."

Anyway, Jorja got nine different plastic rings from the tooth fairy. Each ring is a different color. She laid out several dresses with a matching ring on top. Then she wanted help trying on every single dress to decide which dress she wanted to wear to church. Here are her choices.

And the winner is . . . Pink dress with pink ring!

1 comment:

Brett - Rachel B said...

i love how different they are. You have fun little gals!