I are! I must have heard that phrase three dozen times today. Anything you say to Preston he answers, "I are". Preston watch out, Preston get down, Preston say please, Preston stop jumping . . . I always reply, "I am. Preston say I am." He responds, "No! I are!" I tell him "I are doesn't make any sense." He screams "I are does make sense!" Lovely.
We had a wonderful Halloween. It was two years ago yesterday that I had my surgery. So glad that is over with! We went to trunk-or-treat at church. They had a cake walk, spider cookies to make, balloon pop, beanbag toss, fishing, hamburgers, hot dogs and of course - trunk or treat. Stockton was very fast and filled up his bucket to the brim. I'm not sure how often he went to every trunk . . .
Tonight we played Mario Kart and Mario Party on the projector downstairs while we hid from the regular trick-or-treaters. We decided not to buy candy this year for obvious reasons. Mike said we should make this a family tradition. Mike also put the projector on in the basement classroom and Preston and Jorja played Webkinz in there. Spoiled, spoiled children.
Preston as a blue puppy
Stockton wore his "THIS IS MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME!" shirt. This is the third year in a row with it. Suits him just fine.
Jorja was a witch at school, but wanted to wear her homemade puppy costume today. She was very proud of it.
Preston wanted to be a puppy. I convinced him that his costume was a blue puppy. He was just fine with it - thank heavens!
Another Halloween under our belt. The girls sure love Halloween more than I do. Stockton and I are alike in so many ways.
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