I was exhausted after yesterday, but I got up bright and early to make cupcakes. Ange's birthday is tomorrow, so they are coming to dinner! Once cupcakes were baked, we got the kids dressed in their church clothes and went to listen to Henry B. Eyring speak at a family reunion. We had great seats and really enjoyed the talk. I wish I would have been brave enough to ask for a picture, but I am a chicken. The family before us and the families after us all took pictures. Elder Eyring did shake each of the kids hands. Maysen was first. He asked Maysen her last name. When she said "Smith" he said, "Oh, you're the real deal." (It was a Smith family reunion.) After Elder Eyring shook Jorja's hand, she held up her Webkinz puppy, Smore, and he shook the puppies hand. As we were walking away, Maysen said, "I shook Henry B. Eyring." (Bubs wrote that he shook Ezra Taft Benson in his diary when he was 9 years old or so.)
After we got home, we asked the kids one thing they learned or that they thought was interesting. Stockton said he learned that Henry B. Eyring had a brother. (Hayden Eyring introduced him. He is about as far apart in age as Stockton and Preston.) Mike talked about how he could have ignored his younger brother, but didn't. His brother talked about how much attention he paid to him. He taught him sports and let him hang out in the locker room with him. Jorja said she learned that he met with a lot of prophets. I learned that he didn't go on a date in high school. Also, he said that he avoids saying deceased family members play an active role in our lives. When he turned in his first conference address and he talked about his mother being with him he was told that they are busy. Elder Eyring said that several times . . . "they're busy." I liked that. Sometimes I wish I could know my mom is here with me. I'll have to remember that she is busy, so I don't feel bad. I'm not sure how to write that so it makes sense, at least I know what I'm trying to say.
Elder Eyring also talked about how he lived rent free for ten years on his in-laws estate. It had stables, tennis courts, pools and was beautiful. They lived rent free in the guest house. Then he was asked by Neal A. Maxwell (I think) to be the president of Ricks College. They moved from this beautiful life to Rexburg. They were given a single wide trailer to live in. The door didn't shut all the way and the snow blew in across the floor. He said his wife was an angel to leave the life they had.
The funny story was when he was talking about his dad. I had heard this before, but it is still funny. When he was growing up they lived in New Jersey while his dad worked at Princeton. His dad was offered a job to be the Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Utah. He asked his wife what she thought, she said it was his decision. Later he told his wife that he had turned the job down. The next morning, she gave him a letter. It started out, "Henry you liar." She told him he was suppose to remember he promised her they would move back if they had the opportunity.
I will have to amend this post, but I can't remember what Maysen said she learned. I knew I should have written this part of the post as soon as I got home. Sorry Maysen. Preston didn't tell us his favorite part, but he did play (quietly) in the middle of the isle with Eyring's grandchildren. They were watching Preston play with his colored pencils. He was making them into tracks. At least he was quiet and everyone was really nice about it.
This afternoon, Maysen and Jorja helped me decorate Ange's cupcakes. I think she liked them. We sure had a great time making them. We ran out of big marshmallows, so Maysen made a cupcake with little ones. I loved it much more than the others! So did everyone else. When Ella got the cupcake, Preston did not take that well at all! We added more little marshmallows to his and he settled down.

The one everyone wanted

We got Ange a cook book and my dad gave Ange a framed 8x10 awesome picture of Lincoln and Ella riding the jeeps over Easter. I guess I should have added that picture in, but I'm way too tired to go looking for it now. We have fun swimming and playing around. Ange gets surgery on her feet in a couple of days, so this was her last hurrah.
Maysen, Abbs & Ange

Max & Stockton watching Mike

Bubs watching Mike

Stephanie and Ella


Now I am ready for bed. I feel like I can sleep for a week! It was a long, fun-filled day.