Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Make Something

Preston likes to 'help' me when I clean the bathrooms. He decided to go through some drawers and found my old retainer. I told him what it was and said that because I didn't wear it for a long time my teeth are now crooked. Preston is THE WORST when it comes to throwing away anything. Preston immediately says, "We can make something out of it." No we can not. I told him that would be gross. He says, "We can make something out of it for Halloween." Ewww. Preston, some things are just meant to be thrown away.

There is a new high school being built in our school district. The district is taking suggestions as to the name, mascot and colors. They also wanted to know why the choice was submitted.

Maysen suggested Rocky Mountain High School. Mascot: fox Colors: red and yellow. Her reasoning was foxes are fast and clever. They are intelligent and creative and that is why we go to school. Her choice of colors were red and yellow because they make orange and foxes are orange.

Stockton suggested Stockton High School. Mascot: dragon Colors: red and blue. Stockton's reasoning was Stockton High School just sounds right. Dragons are cool and red and blue just go together.

Jorja wanted Draper High School. Mascot: poison dart frog (surprise) Colors: dark blue and black. Jorja likes the sound of Draper Dart Frogs and she chose the colors dark blue and black because that is one of the colors of the poison frogs.


Brett - Rachel B said...

such good suggestions- i would definately go for Foxes, you never see foxes.

Oregon Millburns said...

I really like all the names! Very good suggestions guys!