Friday, January 4, 2013

Mike at McDonalds

Preston came home from school and didn't want lunch.  Weird.  Then he wanted to cuddle in my bed and he quickly fell asleep.  Weirder. While he was sleeping I got a phone call from my brother, Mike.  He asked what I was doing.  I told him I was sewing a stocking for Trevor. I asked what he was doing.  He said he was riding FrontRunner and would be in South Jordan in a few minutes!  What!!!  I couldn't believe it.  My dad picked him up at the train station and took him to McDonalds.  I met him there.  It was so great to see them!  I called Mike after awhile and asked if Preston was awake.  He was, but was feeling sick.  So sad!  He LOVES playing with Skye and Larkin.  He would have had so much fun!  Jorja was devastated she missed them too!
This picture isn't the best, but Blake is so adorable!
 BLAKE, Mike, Larkin, Skye, Dad
 Blake, can he get any cuter?
 Why yes, yes he can.
 Token frog picture for Jorja
I followed my dad to the train station and bought a ticket to ride the train with them.  That way I could see them just a little longer.  Blake was so cute!  He kept closing his eyes.  I would say, "Where did Blake go?"  Then he would open them and smile.  Hilarious.  I tried to get a picture of him with his eyes closed, but this is the best I could do.

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