Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 Mile

We went with the girls on a 5-mile hike to Lake Mary.  I was breathing hard through the first part.  I'm out of shape!  Maysen suggested we ride the chair lifts, but unfortunately they weren't moving.  The hike did get easier the closer we got to the top.  It was beautiful up there.  I brought my tiny point and shoot camera - the pictures just can't capture the beauty.  It was a fun hike though, and really fun to go with Maysen. She was such a trooper and didn't complain at all, even though hiking is not her favorite thing.
Maysen & Stephanie
 Lake Mary
 Athena, Eden, Kelsee, Ashlee, Paige, Tember, Jenna, Emily
Melissa, Analise, Katie, Maysen, Courtney, Zoe, Rachael
 Maysen & Stephanie
 Maysen & Stephanie
My girls (Beehives) loved to play this rock throwing game.  They would try to get these rocks to stay on the sign.  They were usually first, so this was a good little activity.
Rachael, Zoe, Paige, Ashley, Courtney
When the girls got back from the hike we had a surprise for them. Sister Valentine had arranged to have the Relief Society come up and give the girls pedicures.  Yep, what a camp.  Maysen wasn't too fond of this idea and did try to get out of it, but she was a good sport.
Eden & Jenna
 Leslie Perry & Maysen
 Nicole getting a pedicure from her mom
 Analise, Melissa, Paige, Nicole & Maysen
 Brittany & Maysen
We had our testimony meeting tonight.  After the girls put ooey-gooey treats in a waffle cone.  Sister Valentine grilled them and then they were topped off with vanilla ice cream.  Delicious.
Nicole, Zoe, Becky
Maysen went to bed about this time.  I forgot to write yesterday that Maysen got a group of girls to play Apples to Apples with her.  They played for hours.  I was really proud of her.  It was quite a random mix of girls too, so it was so fun to hear them interact together.

I stayed up WAY too late.  The girls were downstairs in the movie room telling scary stories.  Kamee had dressed up in a bear costume to scare the girls.  She waited in the closet for an hour before she came out. Kamee, Jaime and Jacqui were laughing so hard about this.  Then they started to think of all the other things they could do with a bear costume.  Things must be really funny at two in the morning.

One quick story I want to write down.  Maysen told me, "Dad's awesome.  I want to marry someone as awesome as Dad, but that's impossible because no one is as awesome as Dad."  How sweet.  I love it!  She has always been partial to her dad.  Also, Bubs turned 40 today. Happy birthday Bubs.  You're old.

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