Tuesday, June 30, 2015

3, 5, 7 & 10

The main road in our subdivision is being repaved.  Looking at the schedule I knew it would be a pain to take Preston to diving.  I asked him if he wanted to go with Stockton today.  He was excited about that. I thought he would mostly stay on the 1-meter.  He might be brave enough to climb up to the 3-meter, but I didn't know if he would be brave enough to go off of it.  Boy did he prove me wrong!  Warning! There is going to be a ton a pictures, and most of them probably look the same.  But I love them.  This was such a fun day.  The picture below is my favorite picture from the day.  What a brave little boy!
Before class started, Stockton took Preston up on the platforms.  Water polo was playing below, so I'm glad they didn't try to jump off then!
 Preston & Stockton on 10
Mike Tuckfield (Isn't that the greatest name for a dive coach?) worked with Stockton and Josh on the tower approach.  That was fun to watch!
Preston, Stockton & Mike
Preston went straight to the 3.  I couldn't believe it!  He was nervous, but jumped in pretty quick.
 I love how Stockton is encouraging him from the 5
and Josh is encouraging him from the ground
 He did it!
 Stockton on 5
Mike told Preston to go into the water with his hands straight up or his hands straight down.  Looks like Preston is using the straight up method.  Fine by me, because that is adorable.
 Preston off the 3
 No fear now.  He's loving this!
 Look at that form.
 Stockton on 5
 Oh boy.  Preston's on the 5!
 What?  Hardly any hesitation!
 There he goes again!
 Preston trying a back jump on 3
 That didn't end well
 Much better
Stockton & Preston back on 5 
 All smiles from this boy.
 No problem
 Back on 5
 Stockton & Preston on 7
 That is high!  They are crazy!
 Preston's a bit nervous
 Only a bit.  He was off that platform fast!
 Stockton on 7
 Look at those toes!
 Preston's loving the 7
 Stockton & Josh are impressed with him
 Preston & Stockton hanging out on the 7
 Uh-Oh Now he climbed up on the 10!  Yikes!
 That's a LONG way down!
 Stockton giving Preston a pep talk
 Preston, Stockton & Josh on the 10
 Preston & Josh ~ I love this!
 Look at those little heads
 Preston with Stockton giving him pointers
 Stockton & Preston = adorable
 I'm guessing Preston is nervous
 Getting closer.....
 Who is this kid?
Preston came over to the 1-meter after jumping off the 10.  He had the BIGGEST smile on his face!  He yelled, "Mom!  I did it!  I did it!"  Yes you did.  He got on the 1-meter and laughed at how small it was.  He did a dive, no problem.  This scared him a few weeks ago!
 Preston back jumping off the 10
 Preston on 7
 Pure joy!
 Preston trying a dive off the 3
 I can't believe how brave he is today!
 Stockton's 1st 2 1/2 off the 5
 Stockton ~ another 2 1/2
 Preston flip
 Almost all the way around
 Let's try that again
 Preston!  You need to jump BEFORE you grab your knees!
 Preston's back on the 3
 Another dive.  I hope he's hooked!
 Stockton & Josh off the 7
Wow.  Today was incredible.  I couldn't believe Preston.  He blew me away.  Stockton couldn't believe him either.  Preston said that he realized it was his only chance to have the first time he jumped off the 3,5,7 & 9 be the same day.  When he was on the platforms he told Stockton that one he steps off he tells himself, "Well, there's no turning back now!"  There is one boy who is scared to jump off the 10.  I think he is 11.  Stockton and Josh have been trying to get him to go off for several days.  Stockton said there should be a roundabout gate, like they have at the Lagoon exit.  Once you get on the board the only way off is jumping down.  Haha!  Now there's an idea!