Sunday, August 23, 2009

Emergency Preparedness

Jorja was in charge of Family Home Evening today. Her lesson was on Emergency Preparedness. I could tell she was really excited about the lesson because she was about to jump out of her skin waiting for FHE to begin. Mike said, "We have to go somewhere for three days. Gather up everything you need. You have two minutes to get in the car. Go!" Everyone tore up the stairs, laughing their heads off. I raced into my room and grabbed clothes and undergarments for myself, Mike's and my toothbrush, toothpaste, and my pillow. Then I ran to Preston's room and grabbed clothes for him. I threw it in the car, ran back and grabbed my baby ~ because I definitely need him! I strapped him in the car wearing just his underwear. We made it in the car in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Mike backed out and started driving down the road. He ended up driving to the school and parked there. We discussed what everyone had brought.

Mike grabbed some clothes, a brown cookie box (pop-tarts), and a jug of milk. Gross! That won't stay good long!

Maysen had some clothes, Heart (her dog), her blanket, her pillow and blindfold, and a cup because she saw Mike packing the milk.

Stockton got his toothbrush, clothes, Preston's blanket and was proudly eating the honeybun he snitched out of the pantry.

Jorja was a little more prepared. She had a ton of books, clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, and her blanket. She had packed up a little in advance.

We drove home and had icecream as Mike talked to the kids about what we forgot. We realized that I forgot pull-ups and wipes, and my hormone pills. Mike wished he brought the lock box with all our important papers. Maysen said we should keep water in the freezer in the garage. Stockton was excited over the fact he got a honeybun and icecream and wasn't even in eaters or tasters club!

We are all suppose to come with a list of things we would like in our 72 hour kit tomorrow. Pretty fun. Jorja, you are full of surprises!

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