Friday, August 21, 2015

Physics Table

As soon as I got home from dropping off Stockton I had a text from him.  He had left his binder home that had his calculus homework and all of his signed disclosures.  He asked if I could bring them as soon as possible.  I hurried down there.  Stockton hadn't replied to my texts, so I wasn't sure where to meet him.  I knew where his calculus room was, so I went there.  The teacher was in the middle of a lecture and Stockton is in the front row right in the middle.  I was worried I would interrupt the class or embarrass Stockton if I brought it to him.  I waited outside the classroom out of the view of the students while I tried to figure out what to do.  After I was there for five to ten minutes I saw Mr. Miller.  Stockton had him for math last year.  He said hello and I asked him if he could give Stockton his binder.  Yay!  Stockton told me today that he is really liking Mr. Palmer.  Mr. Palmer taught calculus at the school when I went there.  I wish I would have had him. I have heard that people will change into this school district just to have him for calculus.  Anyway, Stockton said that Mr. Palmer explained the why of the math today.  He had just learned formulas last year and had no idea how they worked.  He said that it all made sense now.  Hopefully this will be a great year for him.

I took Maysen to her one class today.  We stopped at the store first and got some cash.  Maysen had a physics fee and Stockton had a chemistry fee.  I figured I might as well go in with her and pay the fee for Stockton.  The school was on assembly schedule so we had a bit of a wait before class actually started.  I walked with Maysen to class.  Her physics class is right next door to Stockton's chemistry class.  I went and talked to Stockton's teacher and dropped off his fee.  I just figured I might as well do it that way since I was already at the school.  I stood outside Maysen's physics class and watched for a bit.  Maysen was sitting at a table in the front center of the classroom.  She was the first one in the class.  I watched as all the students filed in and sat anywhere other than Maysen's table.  To the point that people were standing in the back of the classroom.  Maysen looked so cute and tiny sitting there.  I saw her wave and smile at a few people.  I finally walked away. I was so angry.  Why would no one sit next to her?  Not even next to her, but just at the same table?  Sometimes I tend to 'blame' Maysen for her lack of friends.  I think that she has a wall put up and doesn't even try.  As I watched her I realized this wasn't true.  She was making eye contact with people and being pleasant.  It's just that no one wanted to sit by her.  My heart broke.  Five years is a long time to go without friends.  Maysen has done great despite this, but five years is a long time.  I don't think Maysen even remembers what it was like to have friends.  How can so many people walk into this class, see someone sitting alone and choose to keep it that way.  Especially when there weren't enough seats for everyone!  Maysen had told me this had happened on the first day.  I kind of said, "Maybe people just didn't want to sit in the front?"  When I watched today I realized it was more than that.  Maysen said she wanted to make a joke and say, "What am I ..... a negatively charged ion?"  But she couldn't remember if that was scientifically correct and she didn't want to be wrong.  I talked to Maysen about this when I picked her up from school.  She said today wasn't as bad.  After I left a few people came and sat at her table.    This child has such a good head on her shoulders.  I am so lucky she is mine!

Mike and I started watching Stockton's other French movie.  It is called Les Choristes.  That one is in French with English subtitles.  It is so much better than the other movie.  We are planning on finishing it tomorrow.  Hopefully we will end up liking the entire thing.

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