Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Finish this Poem about Barack Obama

February is Black History Month. Stockton came home with a paper on Ruby Bridges that he had to fix. The teacher didn't think he put forth his best effort. He had to fill out a paper about what he knew, what he wanted to know, and what he learned. Stockton's paper looked like this. Know: everything, Want to know: nothing, Learned: more everything. When I talked to Stockton about it he said, "I hate learning about Ruby Bridges. We watch the same movie EVERY year!"

In other Black History news, every day at school, they have a child read information about a famous black person on the intercom. Today, Stockton was supposed to read about Barack Obama. Miss Spencer asked him if he would write his own poem instead. Here it is:

On the islands of Hawaii in 1961, young Barack Obama's life had only just begun.
He grew to be a lawyer and helped others in his town.
He proved that you could go far even if your skin was brown.
He ran to be the President as a Democratic man.
With a message full of hope and a chant of "YES WE CAN!"
He's now our country's leader, at 47 years of age.
He's writing a new chapter and starting a new page.
As the 44th President of these independent lands,
Barack Obama holds the future of our country in his hands.

Yep, he just wrote that this morning. Mike and I kept trying to get him to use our version for his last two lines. We thought it should be:

He's our 44th President, he let everybody know it
With our economy in trouble, let's hope he doesn't blow it!

Now the challenge to you is: write your own ending to this poem...
You may now begin.


The Bubs said...

He pretends to be bi-partisan, but his liberal side shows.
If he doesn't pay attention, the economy is going to blow... up worse than the depression, I mean seriously, why try to pass universal health care, green energy, money for ACORN etc. all under the guise of a stimulus plan. If we can get out of this recession, and avoid hyper inflation with all the new dollar bills from stimuli packages floating around, then it will be a miracle. In conclusion, I think we're hosed.

Wait, 'hosed' doesn't rhyme with 'shows'.

Stephanie said...

Not quite what I was looking for Bubs, but a valiant effort nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

He's now the 44th President of
these United States;
The troubled public now in anxious
expectation waits
To see how many appointees are
liberal reprobates
Who'll spend and spend until our
poor economy inflates
And someday blows up in our faces
and disintegrates.
(And on that happy note I'll end--
the Millennium awaits.)