Friday, December 25, 2020

To Parrydise We Go!

Merry Christmas! Mike, Maysen and Preston headed up to the cabin around 8:00 this morning. John and Cassie and their family were shortly after them. Jorja and I left around the time they got there. It took me a bit because while I was packing, Stockton called! Yay! Yay! Yay! He was allowed to talk with us for an hour. I asked him about dinner with Nikki. He said it was fun. They gave them presents. He listed them all, but I can't remember. Nikki had asked me what size jacket Stockton wore. I told her small, but Lynn had bought the jackets that day. I think they were Christmas plaid, I haven't seen a picture yet. Anyway, the jacket was huge on Stockton. He said Lynn was so funny about it and kept saying things through the night like, "I think I nailed it." Haha. I wish I could remember everything Stockton told me. It's only one day later.... my memory is awful. It was so great talking with Stockton. I called Mike on his drive up and was able to merge Stockton's call so they could talk with him too. I missed Stockton's first text where he sent me a zoom code. Dang it! Hopefully he will do a zoom thing on my birthday. I would love to see him. It's been soooooo long!

Mike put in a doggie door as soon as he got up here. Bear is a fan. He also put up my boot drying rack that they gave me for my birthday. John and Cassie got up there after and were able to spend some time sledding today.

The mug John uses now Hahaha
Birthday present ~ boot drying rack
John and Cassie at the cabin
Sunset in Parrydise
Jorja and I arrived after the sun went down. Cassie had spaghetti ready and it was delicious. We had a great time. Games, movies, etc. The kids loved the rock climbing stuff Mike put in. Jorja watched Soul with the kids downstairs. Mike, John, Cassie and I played Nertz. Mike won. Mike, Maysen, Preston, John and Mallory played Stop Thief! I can't remember who won that game. I also am annoyed that I forgot to bring Dominion. I haven't played that forever and wanted to bring it this time. Matt and his family are staying at Steve and Sharon's cabin. They got here this evening. Hopefully we will get to see them sledding tomorrow.

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