Sunday, November 23, 2008

We're Back from New Zealand!

My calling in the ward is the web-site specialist. I know, awesome calling! Anyway, about a week and a half ago, I couldn't log onto It was driving me crazy. The error kept saying, "Your stake is not participating in this program". It has been so frustrating! I finally sent the stake web guru a screen shot so he could understand what was happening. He looked up the ward members for our ward, and we were missing! He said I neeeded to contact the ward clerk. That's easy. Mike! Where did our records go? He had no idea. So, Mike requested our records back and they just arrived! For the last week and a half, we were in New Zealand! We were members of the Whangarei 1st Ward in the Whangarei New Zealand Stake. I guess these are the things that happen when you're married to a Mike Smith. I only wish we got to enjoy the trip!

1 comment:

John Parry said...

Hope your records had a good trip. I guess you could call this a virtual tour or a Church tour. Anyway, welcome (your records) back.