Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Want to Know Spanish

Our stake is trying to grow a Spanish branch out of our ward. We now have many Spanish members that come to the meetings with us. I subbed in Nursery today. I only had 6 kids, but 2 spoke only Spanish. It wasn't too bad though since kids at that age don't communicate verbally a whole lot anyway. It was a lot better then when I subbed in Sunbeams and 3 of the 7 kids didn't speak any English. That was a lot harder. Probably because there were no toys. Notice how I didn't say I wanted to learn Spanish, I just want to know it. That is all.


Brett - Rachel B said...

haha thats I want to know it too. Maybe I could hire someone to learn spanish for me... like an immigrant.. from mexico

The Bubs said...

A mi tambien me gustaria saber el espanol. Quizas puede ser una de nuestras metas para el ano nuevo.

You all knew that was coming.

Stephanie said...

Or...maybe your goal should be sending in your Parry Post on time.