Monday, January 26, 2009

Thanks Matt & Tamara!

My littlest brother, John is getting married! We are so excited for him. My cousin, Matt, is also getting married. Both John and Matt picked the same date! What are the chances? This would be super cool if they were getting married in the same temple, but they are not. John and Cassie are getting married in the Salt Lake Temple, Matt and Tamara are getting married in the Idaho Falls Temple. Anyway, long story short, Matt and Tamara changed their wedding date. That was amazingly awesome of them. I am so thankful!
John & Cassie


Anonymous said...

Yeah, really, nicest gesture probably ever. I didn't even know that all this was going on until a few days ago and didn't know what to do about it. Luckily I have some seriously generous and kind relatives. Thanks Matt and Tamara, even though I don't know if you'll ever read this.

Tammi said...

Aren't we all glad? So when exactly are we all going to meet Cassie face to face? Please tell me before the wedding!

Tammi said...

By the way, how is anyone supposed to communicated with Johnny? Facebook? Blog? Hello Johnny. . . can you hear me? Hook me up!

Anonymous said...

I only communicate through the Parry Post.

Tammi said...

A quarterly update does not count! I require more than that:) By the way, who was supposed to check my grammar on the prior comment? Please!