Monday, January 9, 2017

Monkeys on Beds

It has been so windy today. The top of our light flew off. This light has been here for probably forty years, but it was no match for today's wind. Garbage cans were strewn all over the street. I was glad I could spend most of the day inside.
 Poor light, we probably will never get around to fixing you.
While I waited in the carpool line to pick Stockton up I called various Fresh Market stores hoping for sleds. The store in American Fork said they had nine. I was so excited! I asked them to put all of them on hold for me. I dropped Stockton off at diving in Provo, then turned around and drove to American Fork. Unfortunately they did have the same brand of toboggan sleds, they were just much smaller than the ones I wanted. I bought two to try them out but I was super disappointed. Mike called on the way home from diving. He stopped by Big 5 where they had sleds on hold for me. He ended up buying four of the sleds Preston likes. There was a Harmons nearby, so he stopped there. He asked and was told they didn't have any sleds. Mike decided to look through the store. He wandered down the seasonal isle which was now filled with valentine stuff. In the middle of the valentine paraphernalia he saw FOUR sleds! Yay! Four of the exact sleds we were looking for. Now we have six of the good 'Harmons' sleds and five of the sleds Preston likes, plus two smaller sleds that I bought today. Hopefully that will be good enough for our trip with Mike's family.

Stockton was bugged awhile ago about a quiz he took before Christmas. It was in his statistics class and was about ten monkeys jumping on a bed. When the teacher passed out the paper Stockton raised his hand to ask a question. The teacher said he wouldn't answer any questions. Stockton did the following question, but he did it wrong. Stockton assumed that because there were ten monkeys jumping they would each have a 35% chance of falling off of the bed, the same with the kangaroos. Apparently it is possible for only one monkey and one kangaroo to fall off the bed. Stockton argued his case for a long time, but the teacher wasn't swayed. Stockton told me, "I guess you can just make the problem easier if the way it is written is too hard." Because of this quiz he has an A- in the class. Hopefully with the make up quiz doing it the easy way he will be able to get his grade up. Stockton knows this teacher really well, he is his advisory teacher; at least Stockton feels comfortable around him.
John called me tonight. Their car they had shipped has never made it. Cassie has been dealing with horrible customer service. She finally was able to talk to a manager and they admitted to her that they had no idea where the cars on that truck were. The big company that John and Cassie hired hired a little company that is super sketchy. It looks like they just drove off with all the cars. John and Cassie filled their car with moving things. Their tent and their bikes were stuffed in there. The big moving company gave Cassie the number of the smaller moving company and told her she could try and find them. John and Cassie called the police to ask for help, but were basically told there is nothing they can do. John called me because I had pictures that were texted to me from the neighbor who kept the keys until the guys picked up the car. I also sent him a text of the invoice. Hopefully they can find the car. They wanted to sell the car, but ran out of time.
Guy getting a free car with goodies inside
To make matters worse, John and Cassie's van has stopped working. They are across the country where they don't know anyone and have a brand new job with no vehicle. Hopefully this will make a funny story one day. I think a lot of time will need to pass before that happens. It will be a funnier story if they can find their car!

I watched the Alabama/Clemson National Championship game. I loved it! Last minute scores from both teams with Clemson pulling ahead with one second on the clock. I was cheering for Clemson, so this was awesome.

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