Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Jack's mom texted me today and asked if Jack could come over today instead of tomorrow. She said that Jack really missed Preston and was anxious to see him. Preston thought that was a great idea. We ordered pizza and they played and played until he had to leave. I wish I had taken a picture.

Jorja and her friends asked people to sweethearts today. Dances are so weird this year. The kids sure have to take initiative if they want to pull it off. Jorja, Giselle, Paige and Grace met here and then went to the store to buy posters and things like that. I decided to hurry to my dad's while they were gone. I wanted to drop off cinnamon rolls I had brought back from Camille's wedding and some books Jordyn had given me that were my dad's. Anyway, as I was backing up Jorja stuck her head around the garage. I couldn't believe they were back so soon! I went to my dad's and gave him the stuff and hurried back. The girls were all in the car pulling away when I arrived home. I couldn't believe it! They were fast! They neglected to take pictures though. I only have one that Riley's mom took. Well, Grace asked Brenton. I think she did something like BRENTON, will you be my VALENTINE? And then had rose petals that spelled her name. Paige did a solo cup thing and asked someone I can't remember, maybe Zach? Giselle did a Grease theme to ask Bode. Jorja did some monkey/banana theme to ask Riley.

Jorja & Riley

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