Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Dancing Milk

I went to Alta today for Preston's CCR. They had all of the freshman together in the new auditorium. Didn't learn much, but I chatted with Preston's counselor for a bit after. A few days ago we got a call that the pandemic was still hard on the teachers and they were planning on giving the teachers six Fridays during the school year where the kids would work from home. The first one is February 5th. I asked his counselor about that. Just wondering if it is on zoom where we would have to be near internet access or not. Turns out that it isn't a zoom thing, but the teachers are supposed to have an assignment on Canvas. So, probably an extra day off. Perfect timing for us because I wanted to go to Idaho on Friday for Matt & Tamara's baby shower. 

This is random, but I have never seen a milk lid do this before
Preston stayed after school to do esports with Jack. He is loving that. He was home for a bit when Jack called and asked if he would like to go to Cornbelly's with him. Awesome! I soon got a text from Jack's mom. I had asked her at the start of the school year if Jack would like to come over once a week like they did last year. I never heard back. His mom replied today, "Having Preston with us made me think whatever happened with that conversation Stephanie and I had about a month ago?... So, I pulled up our text thread and realized to my embarrassment I only responded to your text in my head!" Hahahahaha I have done that before. We are hoping the kids can get together on most Wednesdays. It worked really well last year.

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