Friday, October 22, 2021

Hidden Easter Egg

Mike found this old hidden Easter egg today out in the wood pile. It had Jorja's name written on it. It's probably ten years old. Mike sent a picture to the family chat. Jorja asked if she could have it. Mike told her there was a spider web inside. Yeah, we just threw it away.
Preston's first quarter of high school ended today. He earned a 4.0. I'm very proud of him. He had an A- in math a few days ago with one math test left. He scored a 101% on that test and ended up with 96% in the class. That's how you do it! I did feel super bad today. Preston asked me if he could stay after school in the e-sports room. He did that with Jack on Wednesday and loved it. I told him he could. Later I put down my phone somewhere and was doing the dishes when I heard it ringing. I ran downstairs and it was Mike. He told me that Preston had been trying to reach me but to not worry about it, he found a ride home. Whoops. Sorry about that Preston. Mike was out with the motorhome getting everything winterized when Preston called. I went downstairs and saw a message came in from him asking to be picked up at 4:30. It was 4:55 when Mike called. Mom fail.

Maysen has had this idea for Jorja's birthday. She wants to get lots of little presents for her to open. We went the other day and Maysen picked out several things. I went to this cool little packing store to get wrapping paper. I had always wanted to go to that score and now I wonder why I didn't go there years ago. It had the cutest stuff! I had taken pictures of the different groups of presents Maysen planned on giving her and tried to find boxes to match the right size. We ended up getting them wrapped tonight. I can't remember all of them but the boxes were something, "Open when you are studying" "Open when you are lonely" "Open when you are missing your family" "Open when you are with friends" Things like that. It turned out really cute. I think Jorja's going to love it.

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