Wednesday, June 8, 2022

High Goals

Preston had another range today. I dropped him off on my way to work. Work was interesting. The person they hired to take Shannon's job decided she/he didn't want the job anymore. Shannon is the Testing Coordinator at Alta. Now Alta needs to find a new testing coordinator. Christine Astle, the head secretary, came and talked to me and asked if I would be interested in applying for the job. They don't know if I can even have it because it might need to be a counselor. I told her I would think about it. I don't know if I want to go full time and I have really liked working for Paula. Although if I was ever to go full time, now would be the perfect moment. Jorja is leaving on her mission, Preston still has three years left at Alta. I talked a lot about it with Megan Okerlund. If I got the job I would be working with her a lot. I'm not going to worry about it too much until they find out if I can even apply for the job. Should be interesting.

Jorja came home today from USULC. She was supposed to be over Jordan High this week, but her counselor partner asked if he could be over Gunnison. That is the school he worked with last year. They ended up moving him and Jorja. Jorja did not like that. She was really excited to be with Jordan. It turned out okay though. The kids made them these cute thank you signs.

???? & Jorja
Jorja, Hannah and Emily went to say goodbye to one of their ambassador friends named Miles. I think he is going to Atlanta, Georgia. That is pretty cool.
Emily, Miles, Hannah
This is random, but the school always has seniors fill out a paper about what they plan on doing next in their life. The stack has been siting by the printer for awhile now. This one is on top. I didn't look at any of the others, so I don't know how many have such high achieving goals as this student.

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