Friday, December 17, 2021


Preston took this picture at school. This was the Make-a-Wish closing assembly. The boy they sponsored was driving the t-shirt robot. Man, Jorja would have loved to be able to have an assembly like that! Nice things are getting back to normal though. 

Mike had a dentist appointment today. I took Jorja up to Provo for her FSY interview. Stockton also had an online FSY interview. How cool would it be if they both worked there during the summer? Jorja and I went and got açaí bowls after. I have been spending my days cooking. We have put the gingerbread house pieces in a table in our room. Well, Bear got in there and ATE lots of the men and doors. He got one side of the building too. GRRRRRRR. At least it wasn't too bad. We can do without the men and doors, still.... annoying.
Matt and Sam left today. I got this message before they left. Who knew Mike came to visit? Hahaha
Stockton came home today!!! That is all...

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