Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Preston's 15th Birthday

Preston is 15 years old today. That's right. My baby boy is 15. Life is moving way too fast. Preston wanted crepes for breakfast. Mike got up early and made them for him. Maysen got up early and ate them. Preston usually leaves the house a few hours before Maysen needs to start work.
Preston ~ 15 years old
Maysen & Preston
I needed to make the pastry part of the eclairs today. As soon as started I realized what this wisk looking thing was for. I had seen an unusual looking wisk at two stores in the last few weeks. It caught my eye, but I didn't buy it. Immediately I knew I should have. I hurried down to Bed, Bath & Beyond, where I had seen it first. It was gone. I decided to go to Orson Gygi where we had seen one as well. I'm so glad I did. I bought one and it made making the shells so much easier!

Preston stayed after school in the esports room with Jack. I picked them up and then we went to IHOP for Preston's birthday dinner. I like these pictures. Jack is ALWAYS laughing. He has a great giggle.
Preston & Jack
Preston opened his presents when we got home. There wasn't many surprises for him. His main present was a new phone. We gave that to him about a month ago. He has loved it. Maysen got Preston this Kickstarter Switch game. I can't remember the name, but he has loved it.
Preston's birthday 'cake'
Jack & Preston
I think Preston had a great day. He is such an awesome kid. We are so lucky to have him as part of our family. Love him.

I was able to get Jorja in her Chinese class. She was at a concert with friends and kept texting me asking me to check. I'm glad she did because I thought she couldn't register until 10:00, when it was actually 9:00. Stockton and Jorja now have all their classes. Both of them have two pe classes. Both of them picked two with the plan on dropping one of them. We will see if they do. The nice thing about the pe class is it is pass/fail. Kind of nice to have a low stress class. Stockton has honors yoga and a Saturday tennis class. I think he is trying to decide if he wants to wake up for the early yoga, or have his Saturdays taken. Jorja has skiing on Friday and a swing dance class. She is nervous about the skiing, but wants to learn. Hopefully both of them have semesters as successful as this one is shaping out to be!

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