Jorja FaceTimed me while I was on the treadmill. She had Clara cut her hair. With kitchen scissors. I'm guessing it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Crazy girls.
Jorja & Clara
My goal today was to find my passport. We always keep them in the lockbox. After we booked our Costa Rica trip I checked in there and mine was missing. The last time I remember using it was for Israel, right before the world shut down. I have looked for it off and on but have had no luck. I decided I would go through my computer desk today, (which is just a place where lots of stuff has been stuck) if I couldn't find it today I was going to try and start the replacement process before the businesses closed. Mike and I spent hours cleaning and going through things. Randomly I decided to look in this popcorn bucket that has been sitting on my desk. I looked in it and was shocked to see a passport! I couldn't believe it!
I opened it only to see it was my mom's old passport from the 80s
While I usually love, love, love, love, love to come across something random from my mom, I was so disappointed this time. It was such a troll job. Granted there are lot of old letters from my mom in there, so it makes since. Just was really hoping to find it. But... I love seeing my mom's handwriting. Here is is with my childhood address. And her childhood address.
Towards the end of the day I started looking into what it would take to replace my passport. I have to fill out a form and then apply for another one. The scary thing is on some sites it was saying that there are delays getting the passport. Also, if I reported it lost and then found it, too bad. We aren't leaving until the end of May, but there is a chance it won't get back in time. Instead of starting the process today like we planned I decided to wait until Monday, hoping to come across it. I said many prayers today asking for my mind to be pricked. I knew it was in the house, just didn't know where it ended up. Mike and I searched the motorhome on the off chance it was there. It wasn't. My dad gave me a ton of stuff that we haven't figured out what to do with. Things like my mom's book of remembrance and college degrees. We have had them in a basket in our room and then moved it to our closet/hallway when we got our bed. We decided to go through that. I went through the basket. Nothing. When Mike moved the basket there was this orange folder with Jorja's name on it. I opened it up and couldn't believe my eyes. There were two passports in there! I shut it quickly and yelled to Mike, "I REALLY don't want to get my hopes up!" He came in and voila! It was mine!!! I was sooooo happy! Last year when we got our covid shots I couldn't find my drivers license and grabbed my passport. I also grabbed Preston's expired passport just in case. I can not believe I didn't put it back. I am so glad I found it. So glad I opened this random folder. I did not for a second think it was in there, so I'm glad I was looking through EVERYTHING. Yay! I get to go to Costa Rica! Yay! I don't have to pay for a new passport or worry it won't come in on time. Feeling much better about that today.
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