Friday, March 4, 2022

Missed Flight

Mike, Maysen, Preston and I headed to Logan around 3:00. I dropped off Bear at my dad's house right before. So glad he is willing to watch him! We drove to University Inn. It is right smack dab in the middle of campus, right next to the TSC. We had reservations to stay here when Maysen was going to graduate, but covid shut everything down. So, we made it up there today. We even got Aggie Ice-cream with our room. Haha. Jorja came over after we got there. Jorja checked her flight information while she was there. That is when she made a horrible discovery. Jorja is flying to Arizona on Monday, March 7th. She realized today that she booked a flight for Monday, February 7th. Whoops. With that hanging over her head we went to the escape room place. We had an appointment for 6:45. We met Stockton there. He has worked so hard on his million homework projects and was able to find time to come. So happy about that! Sami also met us there. She drove up from Sandy and is going to stay the night with Jorja. We did the 50s diner room and killed it. We did this one in the old building about three and a half years ago. They told us some of the puzzles had changed and it would be new enough for us to do it again. It is true. Many of the puzzles were familiar, but we couldn't remember how to do them. We did great though. We got out in 30 minutes. Last time we didn't make it in the hour time, although some of their things didn't work very well. Preston and I spent forever on this dancing thing, but the sensors wouldn't pick us up. They told us that that was a huge problem in the other building. They had the dancing one this time too. Jorja and Sami did it. It was such a fun night.

Stephanie, Stockton, Preston, Maysen, Mike, Jorja, Sami
We went to a sushi place Jorja likes for dinner. They had a bit of a wait, so Jorja, Sami and I hurried over to Deseret Book and got some temple slippers and a few other things. Mike took the other kids to Walgreens.
Jorja & Sami
Stockton, Jorja and Sami all headed to casino night at Stockton's place. Maysen and I ran to Winco to get some bread she could dip in her soup. We all got sushi, but Maysen had soup. It was soooooo hot that we were finished before she could really even start hers. We brought it to go and thought bread would be tasty to go with it. We headed back to the hotel, watched some cartoons and then fell asleep. We are exciting.

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