Well..... today was such a great and crazy day. This is what our front yard/street looked like as I drove to work. Snow in April. That's Utah for you. It is so pretty though!
Jorja sent this to our family group text. We knew it was coming, but it is nice to know it is for sure!
Jorja had ordered some decorations she wanted printed out. Mike went to Office Max and got them printed around lunch time. I cut them up on the way up to Logan. Sometime when Mike was getting the things printed out he ran over a rock in the parking lot. Something now is seriously wrong with the Pilot. We don't know how bad it is. We are hoping we can just replace the muffler, but there is a chance we might need a new car. Not what we wanted to happen. As soon as I got home from work we gathered a few things and headed out. We drove to my dad's house. Mike took Bear in the pilot and the rest of us followed. The pilot sounded so bad! We then drove straight to Crumbl cookies and picked up our order. Mike and I went to WinCo next. I needed to get pens because I forgot them. While we were there I kept saying, "Oh! Jorja wanted this! Jorja wanted that!" Kind of driving Mike crazy because I kept remembering things. Pop, fruit platter, something else I can't remember. We hurried through Chick-Fil-A's drive thru to get food for our family. We got to Stockton's house less than 30 minutes before everyone was scheduled to arrive. Kind of stressed Jorja out. We went as fast as we could though. Jorja set up everything really cute. She is so good at that.
Look how cute and excited Jorja is.
Here it is! Jorja's mission call!
Jorja right after she read her call.
Jorja has been called to the China Hong Kong Mission speaking Cantonese. She starts online MTC on July 25th, which I assume is home MTC. Jorja says she flies to Hong Kong on September 27th. I have no idea if she will be serving at home for the entire 9 weeks, but I really hope not. As much as I would love to have all that time with her, she would thrive in the Provo MTC. I know she would enjoy it much more than being home. I think at home she would feel like a prisoner and in the MTC she would feel like it was an adventure. So...next crazy thing. Cantonese! Jorja is fluent in Mandarin. She has studied it for 12 years. She can read, write and speak it. Cantonese is NOT Mandarin. Jorja's friend Saddler was in the Chinese immersion program with her. He was also a SBO with her. He is serving in the Chinese Hong Kong Mission. Same mission Jorja got called to! I remember last year when she went to Saddler's mission call opening. She said, "Mom! Saddler got called to Hong Kong speaking Cantonese! Wouldn't that be the worst?" Hahaha Not because of Hong Kong, but because of Cantonese. Saddler has told her that it is so hard and he has basically had to forget his Mandarin. Jorja told me a few days ago that she didn't think she would be called to a Mandarin speaking mission, she just had a feeling. I told her that it would be so cool to be trilingual, but I really hope the third language won't be Cantonese! I was hoping if it wasn't Mandarin that it would be Spanish. Jorja is going to do great though. I'm excited to watch her thrive in this next adventure of hers!
Jorja & Preston
Jorja & Mike
Jorja & Maysen
Jorja & Stockton
Jorja & Preston
I did congratulate her, I just don't have a picture of the two of us.
Jorja & Maysen
Jorja & Davis
Kinley & Jorja
Clara & Jorja
Maya, Jorja, ?
Kinley & Jorja
These three girls are going to Italy after the semester.
They are all ambassadors together and great friends.
Kinley, Jorja, Maya
Jorja & Logan
Jorja & Davis
Jorja & Bridger ~ Jorja's ambassador friend & Stockton's roommate
Jorja & Maya
Jorja's eyes make me laugh
The group that was left when we managed to get a picture
Mike taking a panoramic picture
Spencer taking the picture so Mike could be in it
My babies. Stockton, Jorja, Preston, Maysen
Stephanie, Stockton, Jorja, Preston, Maysen, Mike
I love all of these pictures
I love my family!
Look at all those Asian guesses! My brother John got it right. :)
I love this picture
Photo wall at the Bungalow ~ Stockton's diving days coming in clutch
We stayed and talked with Stockton and his roommates and friends for awhile, that was fun. Next we dropped Jorja off at her apartment. On the way back she told us, "Wanna hear a funny story? I peaked." Hahaha! Of course she did! PORGE! She said she was giving a tour when the email came that she had her mission call. She said she was feeling so anxious and she just wanted to know her language. When the tour group had a bathroom break she opened the call and did Control F and searched CHIN. She was hoping Mandarin Chinese would pop up. Instead she saw China Hong Kong.
The next pictures I got off of Stockton's blog. Jorja wanted to go to the temple the day she opened her call. She got Stockton to go with her. This story is from Stockton's blog. "When I joined Jorja in the waiting room of the temple I asked how she was feeling (because at this point she had gotten the notification that her call was available.) She said something like, "Pretty good." Then I said, "So... did you peek?" And she started to laugh. "You peeked, didn't you?" She laughed and laughed and finally managed to say, "Don't tell Mom!""
Stockton & Jorja
Table spread
Jorja's call
I think this picture is so funny. Hahaha Preston & Jorja ~ they are awesome
We drove back to my dad's, picked up Bear, picked up the falling apart pilot, made it home, fell into bed and went straight to sleep. Today was a great day.
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