Tuesday, April 26, 2022


I worked today. One of the things I did was add all the people who won their election to the student government class. I sent the list to Jorja because I thought she would be interested. She is going to be the counselor for these kids at USULC. Five of the kids are in our ward. That's pretty cool. There are only six girls in the entire student government next year. They aren't having senior senators or head cheerleaders. Without those the small girl ratio would be similar to when Jorja was in student government. When she was a freshman there was one other girl named Eliza. Her sophomore year she was the only girl. Junior year she was the only girl. Her senior year there was one other SBO named Layla. There are more seniors officers. Janelle and Ella were senior class officers. It is so hard for girls to win. Kind of sad. Glad Jorja was able to have this opportunity though. I asked Shay what Jr. Tech Officer was. They are going to help the AVO officer. Basically help put together videos. I think that is a great idea. Poor Dawson was run ragged Jorja's year, especially because of Covid...most of their assemblies were online.
Cindy (the head counselor secretary) asked me how my weekend was. I told her it was great. My brother and his family are staying with us. The only problem we had was when one of the potion bottles broke and Jeff couldn't add unicorn tears. I told him I didn't know how to fix it. He said, "But all the potions I want to make need unicorn tears." I just kind of stared and though, "I'm not really sure how to answer that question." Then I realized how weird that sounded to Cindy, so I showed her the video of Preston making potions. During my lunch break I ran home and took videos of a few more things. I'll just stick a couple on here. My friends at work were quite impressed with what Mike has going on.
I posted this a few days ago, but this is the video I showed Cindy.
These I hurried and videoed during my lunch break.
I did not realize how many interactive things we have at our house. I tried to get them all. Later I realized I forgot about the knight statue. I also didn't get the puzzle wall and the enchanted forrest, but I wasn't sure those were working at the time. Mike sure knows how to make life fun! 

Matt and Sam and their kids packed up and headed to another house tonight. They are staying with one of Sam's authors. Sam needs to go into work the rest of this week and she is a little closer than us. Matt and Sam also try to spread their love so no one gets too overwhelmed. Haha.

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