Preston was so cute. He didn't like the way his schedule was written when we printed it out from skyward. He didn't like how it has the second semester when he doesn't need to worry about it. It had four columns with each quarter. All 8 classes were listed. He thought that was lame. He made his own chart with A and B day columns. He added a few more things after I took this picture. I love him.
Cori came over at 11:00 to take Stockton shopping. She asked me what he needed. I told her a couple of pair of pants and a few shirts would be nice. Also he really needed shoes to walk around in and one to exercise in. Welp, as Mike says, "Why do it when you can over do it?" They were gone for six hours. He came back with many, many, many clothes. Stockton says he literally will never have to buy clothes again. Unless he grows. Super generous of Scoop and Cori.
The second Stockton got home he hurried down and changed and headed out the door. He was meeting his diving friends one last time for Gavin's birthday. He had a great time. I'm glad he was able to make such good friends with his diving buddies.
Gavin, Dani, Courtney, Jackson, Gage, Connor, Danielle, Stockton
Stockton, Jorja and I talked for quite a bit when Stockton came home. Stockton made us laugh and laugh. He is such a good story teller. I'm going to miss them when they leave.
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